Terms & Conditions

Our terms and conditions of business are important and should be noted by all our clients.

Consumer Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (52.0 KB)

General Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (76.0 KB)

Domain Name Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (60.0 KB)

Design & Development Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (84.0KB)

Hosting & Backup Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (80.0KB)

Hardware & Software Terms & Conditions
Download PDF (80.0KB)

UK Domain name Registration form
Download PDF (47.0kb)


Need to contact us?

We endeavour to answer every phone call within 5 rings – by a human being, and we will always return your call or email within one business day where we can. If you are not happy with our service or wish to contact us please use the contact form or write to us here.

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